We Sweat The Details
OUR services
We provide flexible just-in-time services for the multitude of details involved in running a thriving Interior Design business. Our back office support enables you to spend more time designing and enables you to take on more projects. We focus on client satisfaction, efficiency and profitability – including Studio Designer, Quickbooks, IVY and Excel. All of our services can be billed back to your clients.
project management
project management
- Procurement
- Purchase Orders
- Pricing
- Tracking
- Billing of Clients
design system expertise
Staff Augmentation
- Studio Designer
- Quickbooks
- Staff onboarding
- Quickbooks
- Staff onboarding
Staff Augmentation
Staff Augmentation
Do you have a large project coming onboard and you need a knowledgable staff member quick? We are here to help.
Business Advisory
Business Advisory
- Bookkeeping - Profitability audits